2019 GO::DH Executive Board Candidates

Global Outlook::Digital Humanities is holding its Executive Committee elections. According to the approved bylaws that establish procedures by which GO::DH is governed, two out of eight of the seats on the executive committee are up for election this year. Each executive serves a two year (renewable) term.  The election will be open for members to vote from Wednesday, May 1, 2019 to Tuesday, May 14, 2019.

We have five candidates for two positions.

All members should be getting an email for voting using Qualtrics.


Candidate information is as below:

Urszula Pawlicka-Deger

I am a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Media at Aalto University, Finland and a member of Research Data Management (RDM) working group at Aalto. I was a Fulbright scholar in the Creative Media and Digital Culture at Washington State University Vancouver and a visiting researcher in the Department of English at Stony Brook University. Recently, I have been nominated the Willard McCarty Fellowship at the Department of Digital Humanities at King’s College London. My postdoctoral research lies at the intersection of digital humanities and infrastructure studies. I work on infrastructural changes in the humanities with a focus on the function and history of laboratory. In relation to this study, I am co-editing the “Digital Humanities Quarterly” special issue on the topic of situated research practices in digital humanities reflecting on different forms of situatedness: geographical, regional, cultural, and institutional. Besides, as a member of RDM group, I work on data management practices in the arts and humanities. I am currently involved in developing the Aalto database for artistic research. My contribution to GO::DH is to focus on open cultural data, open access, and the politics of knowledge transfer from a global perspective. I am interested in developing critical practices in discovering and reusing open data for cross-cultural research in digital humanities. To this end, I would bring the discussion on the dynamics of global open data infrastructure to GO:DH activities. (http://pawlickadeger.com/)


Quinn Dombrowski

I am interested in serving on the GO::DH executive committee in order to support and increase the visibility of digital humanities research and pedagogy taking place worldwide, particularly in languages other than English. I currently work as the Academic Technology Specialist for the Division of Literatures, Cultures, and Languages at Stanford University, supporting digital humanities work for all non-English languages except those from Classics and East Asian languages (though I also have projects with colleagues in the East Asian Library). My own background is in Slavic linguistics, and last quarter I taught a class on non-English textual DH where we worked with Chinese, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish.

I envision focusing on three areas:

1) sorting out GO::DH’s relationship with ADHO, given the change in that organization’s structure and relationship to SIGs. I have served on the ACH exec since 2015 and have been involved with ADHO in various ways (including infrastructure committee) since 2012. I’d like to apply that experience to finding an arrangement that gives GO::DH a voice in international-level DH decision-making.

2) working with the global DH community to refresh “Around DH in 80 Days” to highlight new developments in global DH in the past 5 years.

3) identifying tools, corpora, and collections that could be used as data, to support natural-language processing in non-English languages, including endangered languages and those with few existing resources. I’d like to cultivate collaborations that can apply methods like named-entity recognition or machine learning to ends such as decolonizing archives.


Simon Mahony

I am Director of the UCL Centre for Digital Humanities at University College London (UCL). I was part of the development of the highly successful and innovative graduate programme in Digital Humanities at the Department of Information Studies at UCL, working as Programme Director from its launch in 2011 until taking over as Centre Director in 2017. I have lectured and published widely on education and pedagogy in the field of Digital Humanities. I am chair of the UCL Open Education Special Interest Group and on the Project Management Team and Project Board for the UCL Open Educational Resources (OER) Repository. I am a supporter and strong advocate for all things open.

For the last few years, with support from UCL’s Global Engagement Fund, I have been traveling extensively in China (six trips in 2018) to build networks with DH groups and research centres in Chinese institutions: notably at Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, Nanjing, Ningbo and Hangzhou. I have given talks and lectures there, run seminars and workshops with bi-lingual teaching materials released as OERs. I have participated in both ADHO and Chinese DH and library conferences. This has advanced my understanding of the essential need for increased diversity within our field of DH – something that I have presented on and published on both in the UK and China. It is important that we have conversations and establish collaborations and make efforts to bring East and West together to create a truly global Digital Humanities.


Paloma Vargas Montes

Paloma Vargas Montes holds a PhD in History (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris) and in Hispanic Literature (University of Navarra). She is an assistant professor at Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico, where she teaches Medieval Spanish Literature and Spanish Golden Age Literature. Her research field is focused on the ethno history of the Mexican indigenous people by using textual criticism and book materiality approaches on the study of the primary sources. She is specialized in the ethno history of the Nahua people of the Valley of Mexico in the XVI century, and the Coahuilteco speakers, who lived in the Texan missions in the XVIII century.

Paloma Vargas Montes directs a Master in Humanistic Studies, an online program of the Tecnologico de Monterrey and coordinates a Master in Digital Humanities, an online program which the Tecnologico de Monterrey will launch on January 2020. She is developing a research project of computational text analysis as an approach to study the Cronique X, a lost mesoamerican codex that is believed to be the basis used by the XVI century chroniclers Diego Durán and Fernando Alvarado Tezozomoc.


Adam Alberto Vázquez Cruz

I am a doctoral student at the University of Saskatchewan. Before I came to Canada, I got my BA and MA degrees from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. My research focused on Spanish medieval literature. I decided to come to the University of Saskatchewan to learn about digital stemmatology and digital editing. My involvement with the Canterbury Tales Project has allowed me to pursue my research; I work with the text of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde. The goal of my research is to produce a stemma or stemmata that will inform the current scholarship around the edition of Troilus.

I am interested in being a more active member GO::DH so that I can familiarize myself with the research that the members of the Digital Humanities community are producing. I want to engage with the ongoing debates that are relevant to the digital humanities. At the same time, I would like to support GO::DH with my work so that the goals of the community come to fruition. This presents as an excellent opportunity for me to advance my career, be an active part of an academic community that consistently produces exciting research and to find the colleagues that will help me guide my research through criticism and feedback