Call for nominations: Global Outlook::Digital Humanities initial elected executive

Global Outlook::Digital Humanities is holding elections under its new bylaws. In subsequent years, we are supposed to hold our elections in January. For this first year, the elections are being held in February.

The new bylaws require an elected executive of 8 members. In this first year, all 8 positions are vacant. In subsequent years, half the board will come up for election, meaning we’ll always have some continuity. The executive chooses a chair from among its membership and appoints all the officers the organisation requires. The executive is responsible for setting policy for the organisation.

Anybody who is a subscriber to globaloutlookdh-l may stand as a candidate and/or vote in the election . As always at GO::DH, we are really eager to encourage regional, linguistic, economic, and cultural diversity among our governing body, so we especially encourage people who feel their communities are not reflected in the broader world of DH to stand for election.

The elections will follow a two week nomination period. The nomination period closes February 15. You can nominate anybody who is a member of the globaloutlookdh-l list, including yourself, as a candidate, though we ask that you check with your nominee first. Although this is our first nomination period, experience at other organisations suggests that self-nominations will be the norm rather than the exception.

For this first year, half the people elected to the board will be elected to a one year (renewable) term and half will be elected to a two year (renewable) term. In submitting nominations, could you indicate if you or your nominee would prefer a one or a two year term.

The returning officer for this election is Mia Angelica Alcantara-Santiago. Please send nominations to her at